12 Of The Most Strange And Mysterious Facts About Earth- top world news reports

There are billions of stars circled with uncountable strange planets, and we people are usually fascinated to find out the most strange in them. But the truth is that if some sorts of advanced beings from some other planet would ever find out our personal blue planet, they possibly would send a message to their home conveying, "We have discovered the most unique planet in this universe, surrounded by unique living and non-living things including its strange atmosphere." So, there is no doubt that our planet Earth is filled with so many weird and wonderful things, and some of them still need decent explanations. Today, we are right here with 12 of the most atypical and mysterious facts about Earth that will clearly make you think.

1 | Origin Of The Name "Earth"

Origin Of The Name "Earth" -Mysterious Facts About Earth- top world news reports
Origin Of The Name "Earth" -Mysterious Facts About Earth- top world news reports 

How earth got it's name ? - mysterious facts

There has never been mentioned somewhere in our history that who truly named our planet, so that, no one knows surely how it received its name Earth. However, according to some people, the phrase Earth is said to become from the Anglo-Saxon word Erda, which means "ground" or "soil" and is thought to be 1,000 years old. Whatever was happened to the name of our planet, we all immensely love the orphan-name Earth, is it not?

How earth got it's name ? - mysterious facts 

2 | The Planet’s Poles Flip!

The Planet’s Poles Flip!- Mysterious Facts About Earth- top world news reports
The Planet’s Poles Flip!- Mysterious Facts About Earth- top world news reports 

We all know that North is somewhere above Alaska and the South is down close to the middle of Antarctica. It's indeed proper according to our science however there exists some other mystery about North-South poles that still to be answered. Over the past 20 million years, the magnetic poles have flip-flopped each and every countless hundred thousand years. Yes, you heard right and the final important pole reversal happened 780,000 years ago, which skill if you had a compass in hand about 800,000 years ago, it would tell you that north was in Antarctica. Though scientists have concluded that the Earth’s churning, molten iron core powers this polar acrobatics, it’s not absolutely clear what triggers the true reversals.

3 | Earth Hosts A Humongous Fungus

Earth Hosts A Humongous Fungus-Mysterious Facts About Earth- top world news reports
Earth Hosts A Humongous Fungus-Mysterious Facts About Earth- top world news reports 

We the common people knew that our blue planet has numerous massive living matters including elephants, blue whales, and trees, whereas some intellectuals knew there are coral reefs undersea that are the biggest residing buildings on Earth, some of which even can be viewed from the space. But in 1992, it shook everyone when a huge fungus called Armillaria mushroom was once discovered in Oregon, Michigan, protecting at least 2,000 acres and estimated to be lots of years old.

4 | It Has A Lake That Appeared Overnight

It Has A Lake That Appeared Overnight- Mysterious Facts About Earth- top world news reports
It Has A Lake That Appeared Overnight- Mysterious Facts About Earth- top world news reports

A mysterious lake, over 10m deep, appeared in a single day in the Tunisian desert. Some say it's a miracle, whilst others trust it's a curse. Whatever it is, the turquoise blue water of the lake offers this deserted place an attractive beauty that makes it a famous tourist attraction.

5 | Some Of Its Clouds Are Alive

Some Of Its Clouds Are Alive-Mysterious Facts About Earth- top world news reports
Some Of Its Clouds Are Alive-Mysterious Facts About Earth- top world news reports  

Sometimes, at dusk, dark shape-shifting clouds appear close to the ground that seems like the residing things—and it’s because they are. When hundreds, sometimes hundreds of starlings fly in swooping, intricately coordinated patterns thru the sky, the phenomenon is recognized as a murmuration. Scientists suggest the birds interact in this mesmerizing show when they’re looking for a spot to roost or evading predators. But it’s nevertheless a puzzle as to how, exactly, they achieve such high-quality acrobatic synchrony on the fly.

6 | Earth Has "The Center Of The Universe"

Earth Has "The Center Of The Universe"- Mysterious Facts About Earth- top world news reports
Earth Has "The Center Of The Universe"- Mysterious Facts About Earth- top world news reports 

There is a mysterious circle called "The Center Of The Universe" in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in the United States which is made of broken concrete. If you talk whilst standing in the circle, you will hear your personal voice echoing back at you but outdoor the circle, nobody can hear that echo sound. Even scientists are no longer so clear exactly why does it happen.

7 |  Earth Has The History Of A "Dust Cloud Tragedy" With Unknown Origin

Earth Has The History Of A "Dust Cloud Tragedy" With Unknown Origin- Mysterious Facts About Earth- top world news reports
Earth Has The History Of A "Dust Cloud Tragedy" With Unknown Origin- Mysterious Facts About Earth- top world news reports 

In 526 AD, there was a worldwide dust cloud that blocked out the solar for a full year, ensuing in extensive famine and disease. More than 80% of Scandinavia and parts of China starved to death, 30% of Europe died in epidemics, and empires fell. No one knows the exact cause.

8 | It Has A Lake Whose Water Goes To Hell!!

It Has A Lake Whose Water Goes To Hell!!- Mysterious Facts About Earth- top world news reports
It Has A Lake Whose Water Goes To Hell!!- Mysterious Facts About Earth- top world news reports 

In the mountains of Oregon, there is a mysterious lake that types every winter, then drain in the spring thru two holes at the bottom of the lake, making a considerable meadow. No one is genuinely sure the place does all that water go? Scientists agree that the holes are the openings of lava tubes that are connected with a sequence of underground volcanic caverns, and the water probably refills an underground aquifer.

9 | "The Hum" Of The Earth

"The Hum" Of The Earth- Mysterious Facts About Earth- top world news reports
"The Hum" Of The Earth- Mysterious Facts About Earth- top world news reports 

For over 40 years, a small area of people (about 2%) all around the world has complained about listening to a mysterious sound which has been extensively called, "The Hum". The source of this noise remains unknown, and it's still unexplained through science.

10 | It Has The "Forest Ring"

It Has The "Forest Ring"- Mysterious Facts About Earth- top world news reports
It Has The "Forest Ring"- Mysterious Facts About Earth- top world news reports 

Yes, Earth is engaged with the forests in some points. Forest rings are the large, circular patterns of low tree density in the Boreal forests of northern Canada (also been stated in Russia and Australia). These rings can range from 50m to nearly 2km in diameter, with rims about 20m in thickness. The starting place of forest rings is not known, despite various mechanisms such as radially growing fungus, buried kimberlite pipes, trapped gas pockets, meteorite affects craters etc. having been proposed for their creation.

11 | Earth Has The Island That Boasts An “Undersea Waterfall”

Earth Has The Island That Boasts An “Undersea Waterfall”- Mysterious Facts About Earth- top world news reports
Earth Has The Island That Boasts An “Undersea Waterfall”- Mysterious Facts About Earth- top world news reports 

Imagine that you are swimming out in the calm ocean and then suddenly you are being sucked down into a huge, tumbling underwater waterfall! Yes, this terrifying moment could be your non-public glory if you swim close to an island known as the Republic of Mauritius that is located 2,000 kilometers from Africa's southeast coast, near Madagascar.

12 | Our Blue Planet Has "Steve!!"

Our Blue Planet Has "Steve!!"- Mysterious Facts About Earth- top world news reports
Our Blue Planet Has "Steve!!"- Mysterious Facts About Earth- top world news reports 

There's a mysterious light hovering over Canada, Europe and other parts of the northern hemisphere; and this wonderful celestial phenomenon is officially named "Steve". Scientists are not sure what motives Steve, but it was observed by way of amateur Aurora Borealis lovers who named it after a scene in Over the Hedge, the place the characters realize that if you do not recognize what something is, calling it Steve makes it much less intimidating! According to researchers at the University of Calgary in Canada and the University of California, Los Angeles, Steve is not an aurora at all, because it does now not contain the telltale traces of charged particles blasting thru Earth's environment that auroras do. Therefore, Steve is something completely different, a mysterious, largely unexplained phenomenon. The researchers have dubbed it as a "sky glow."

So, how much did you like these strange and mysterious facts about Earth? Feel free to share your worthy opinions on these 12 engrossing and strange facts about Earth.


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