
Showing posts from June, 2015

Duncan Hallas: The Labour Party - Myth and Reality (February 1981/September 1985)

Duncan Hallas: The Labour Party - Myth and Reality (February 1981/September 1985)

As sete maiores vergonhas do Brasil, por Lilia Schwarcz e Heloisa Starling - Revista Trip

As sete maiores vergonhas do Brasil, por Lilia Schwarcz e Heloisa Starling - Revista Trip

Nonprofit journalism tries to make it in Spain

PorCausa is a new species of digital media for Spain: nonprofit journalism. Its founder and director, Gumersindo Lafuente , is a respected veteran of some of Spain's most important media -- El Pa�s, El Mundo, and the late lamented digital pioneer ). Given the limited resources available, he runs the operation much in the style of a movie director by signing some of the 21 affiliated professionals on a per-project basis. Lafuente emulates Propublica of the U.S. (Photo: James Breiner) "When we secure financing, we put together a team for the project. When we finish, we dissolve the team," he said in an interview. Poverty and inequality PorCausa is an experiment in several senses. It is not a news medium but a foundation that was launched in 2013. It is a novelty in Spain in that it is financed completely by private donations. It is an experiment in subject matter . Its specialty is two topics, inequality and poverty, especially childhood poverty. The founders

Connaître les Indigènes de la République

Récemment le Parti des Indigènes de la République a fêté ses dix ans. Dix ans de leur projet de construire un parti politique indépendant pour les populations françaises ciblées par le racisme.  C'est un projet politique que je ne soutiens pas, même si je suis fier de compter des militants du PIR comme des alliés dans de nombreux combats (contre Exhibit B l'année dernière, contre l'islamophobie etc). Cela dit, je vois le PIR souvent dénoncé pour des raisons entièrement injustifiées (basé sur une lecture partisane de quelques tweets! un peu de sérieux Messieurs dames). C'est une organisation qui mérite d'être pris au sérieux. Qu'on s'oppose à leur programme si on veut, mais qu'on le connaisse d'abord. Dans ce discours, Houria Bouteldja résume leurs objectifs et leur idéologie Il est sain que toutes les voix s'entendent, mais surtout des voix qui ne vien

Where is France heading? |

Useful overview of the situation for the working class in France today. Much more should have been said about islamophobia which is so extremely useful to the ruling class here right now. Still, lots of good stuff. Where is France heading? |

Rachel Dolezal case: Race is about more than just identity

I don't necessarily agree with every word of this article, but I think it is considerably  better than other pieces produced by the revolutionary left in the last week or two. Shorter too :=) Rachel Dolezal case: Race is about more than just identity

'Desktop is the new print' as public goes mobile

Julio Alonso, director general WeblogsSL (James Breiner photo) BURGOS, Spain -- In 2004, management consultant Julio Alonso got the itch to write about gadgets and technology. He started a blog and a year later that evolved into the website Xataka . Since then he and his partners have built WeblogsSL , a community of 36 websites in Spanish with more than 13 million unique visitors a month. The sites focus on autos, lifestyle, business, leisure, and technology. They have survived the global financial crisis, which hit particularly hard in Spain. And they have expanded their websites to Mexico and recently Colombia . (Versi�n del blog en espa�ol) However, Alonso, 45, struggles with what to do about the latest tsunami of change. The audience has flooded to mobile devices and advertisers are going with them. He has more than a decade of experience in the business of digital media, and an international perspective, having studied in Holland and worked in Brazil and Italy, among other place

In defence of Engels | Philosophers for Change

In defence of Engels | Philosophers for Change

Marianne Jean-Baptiste: 'It's not a sob story - I could have stayed in the UK and fought it out' | Stage | The Guardian

On racism in the British  film industry. Marianne Jean-Baptiste: 'It's not a sob story - I could have stayed in the UK and fought it out' | Stage | The Guardian

Mark Thomas interview: The comedian has written a book about his year of 100 protests - Features - Comedy - The Independent

Mark Thomas interview: The comedian has written a book about his year of 100 protests - Features - Comedy - The Independent

Denmark Vesey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Denmark Vesey was one of the founders of the Black church where ten people were killed by a racist gunman yesterday night. He needs to be remembered. Denmark Vesey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Le « nouveau » Front national en question - Essais - Publications - Fondation Jean-Jaurès

Téléchargement gratuit ici: Le « nouveau » Front national en question - Essais - Publications - Fondation Jean-Jaurès

Mobile metrics are failing publishers and advertisers

According to eMarketer , half the digital ad spending this year will be on mobile , a total of $29 billion. Advertisers want to know if their messages are reaching the right target groups of people at the right time so that ad dollars are not wasted . Some people are better targets than others for messages about, say, infant car seats, or trips to Mexico, or eye makeup, or Hummers. It is not a simple matter to measure Internet traffic, whether on the web or on mobile apps. But metrics matter to advertisers, who use them to determine the amount they are willing to pay for having their messages in a digital publication. (Versi�n de este post en espa�ol) Advertisers want to know not only the size of the audience, but its characteristics -- income, location, interests, spending habits, hobbies , and more. But for technical reasons, it is difficult to track a single user across all the devices they may use at home, at work or on the go -- smartphone, tablet, laptop, desktop. Cookies,

[MP3] What Can Political Rock do? An analysis based on the example of the Tom Robinson Band 1976-79 | John Mullen -

This is a talk I gave last week in Toulon [MP3] What Can Political Rock do? An analysis based on the example of the Tom Robinson Band 1976-79 | John Mullen -

La théorie de l'aristocratie ouvrière et ses nouvelles applications aux "Indigènes"

Selon Lénine, une des raisons importantes que le mouvement ouvrier dans les pays industrialisés  n'est pas devenu révolutionnaire serait que les ouvriers du Nord profitent de l'impérialisme. Les salaires plus élevés dans le Nord comparés aux salaires des pays pauvres viendraient de sur-profits, distribués parmi les travailleurs du Nord. Certes, selon Lénine, ces avantages étaient mineurs, des miettes restées du banquet des grands capitalistes. Différentes auteurs depuis ont suivi cette théorie, souvent considérant qu'il s'agissait de bien plus que des miettes, mais de solides avantages sur le dos du Tiers Monde. C'est une théorie qui à certaines époques sous-tendaient des courants "tiers mondistes" qui prétendaient qu'une révolution socialiste ne pouvaient être déclenchées que par les travailleurs des pays pauvres. Un article de Houria Bouteldja, du Parti des Indigènes de la République, remet à jour la théorie pour expliquer sa vision de l'islam et

Racisme: voici les gagnants des Y'a Bon Awards 2015 - BuzzFeed News

Chaque année, les Y'a Bon awards récompensent les propos racistes les plus imaginatifs de l'année: courez voir le gagnants cette année! Ici: Racisme: voici les gagnants des Y'a Bon Awards 2015 - BuzzFeed News

Journée d'études: Antiracisme dans les Iles brtanniques

Thanks to Phil Jackson for the photos.

SYRIZA needs clear answers |

SYRIZA needs clear answers |

John Mullen, La chanson populaire en Grande-Bretagne pendant la Grande Guerre 1914-1918 “The show must go on!”

John Mullen, La chanson populaire en Grande-Bretagne pendant la Grande Guerre 1914-1918 “The show must go on!”

Nice : victoire pour les mamans accompagnatrices portant le foulard ! | CCIF - Collectif contre l'Islamophobie en France

Au Tribunal administratif de Nice, une mère victime de discrimination islamophobe a eu gain de cause. Nice : victoire pour les mamans accompagnatrices portant le foulard ! | CCIF - Collectif contre l'Islamophobie en France

ANTISIONISME/ANTISÉMITISME : À qui profite l'amalgame ? - [UJFP]

Ce soir à Toulouse! ANTISIONISME/ANTISÉMITISME : À qui profite l'amalgame ? - [UJFP]

On veut protester contre la politique d'Israël? la GIGN débarque au petit matin! PIERRE STAMBUL ARRÊTÉ COMME UN TERRORISTE ! - [UJFP]

Le co-président de l'Union Juive Française pour la Paix, (une organisation dont je suis fier d'être adhérent) est arrêté comme un terroristes. Les vrais terroristes sont ceux qui débarque à une heure du matin et casse votre porte en sachant parfaitement que vous n'êtes pas un terroriste! PROVOCATION ? PIERRE STAMBUL ARRÊTÉ COMME UN TERRORISTE ! - [UJFP]


ANU australian nationla university do great visiting fellowships, for a month or two

«En classe, on voudrait des petits blonds avec nos enfants» - Libération

Cet  article montre à quel point le discours habituel sur le "communautarisme" en France est loin de la vérité.  Déjà quasiment tous les musulmans en France envoient leurs enfants à des écoles où ils se trouvent avec des non musulmans. «En classe, on voudrait des petits blonds avec nos enfants» - Libération

Students fight for Aboriginal music studies | REDFLAG

In Australia Students fight for Aboriginal music studies | REDFLAG

It’s a long-term decline in the rate of profit – and I am not joking! | Michael Roberts Blog

Revolutionary marxists have always maintained that capitalism cannot stabilize itself in the long term. One of the main reasons is that it gets harder and harder for capitalists to make a good profit. This idea has caused many debates and here are some of the most recent ones, in particular replies to David Harvey's ideas on the question. It’s a long-term decline in the rate of profit – and I am not joking! | Michael Roberts Blog

8 practices of successful entrepreneurial journalists

Editor's note: This post was updated 3 June with an eighth best practice. For the last seven years I have been interviewing and profiling successful entrepreneurial journalists in various countries of various socieconomic classes. I've talked to publishers and editors with staffs of as many as a hundred as well as some one-man/one-woman bands. The ones that survive and thrive after several years share some common practices: 1. They develop multiple sources of revenue. They embrace sponsorships rather than advertising, memberships rather than subscription paywalls. They recognize that they can't make money on standard cost-per-thousand or cost-per-click advertising rates. They seek sponsors who embrace their mission and core values. They monetize their audience by creating clubs or groups of members who support their journalism mission. They can actually charge much more than a subscriber would ever pay. Among other revenue sources: direct sale of products such as books, mu

La brutale irruption d’un homme armé dans une mosquée de Lyon a pétrifié les fidèles

La brutale irruption d’un homme armé dans une mosquée de Lyon a pétrifié les fidèles