
Showing posts from April, 2015


Magnifique chanson sur les enfants et les stéréotypes. ZUT - FILLE OU GARCON - YouTube

Blair Peach: After 31 years Met police say 'sorry' for their role in his killing | UK news | The Guardian

Blair Peach: After 31 years Met police say 'sorry' for their role in his killing | UK news | The Guardian

Une collégienne noire victime d’hystérie islamophobe

Une collégienne noire victime d’hystérie islamophobe

" Tout peut changer " - Capitalisme et changement climatique | Ensemble

" Tout peut changer " - Capitalisme et changement climatique | Ensemble

Russell Brand interviews Miliband:

One of the most popular radicals in Britain, Russell Brand, interviews the leader of the Labour Party. He asks him some very direct questions. Miliband: The Interview - OFFICIAL VIDEO The Trews (E309) - YouTube

The Baltimore rebellion

This editorial from the US anticapitalist newspaper "Socialist Worker" is indispensable reading. Click here

Advice from a Spanish satirist: "Don't open a bullfighting school in London"

Eduardo Galan, "Emperor" of Revista Mongolia BURGOS, Spain -- Eduardo Galan is a bundle of contradictions. He has a Ph.D. in psychology, specifically the psychology of marketing. (Versi�n en espa�ol) He has a background in online business marketing. And he speaks very seriously about business models for marketing a media product. Yet he has the playful air of an adolescent who delights in mocking the pretensions and hypocrisies of Spain's political, business, and religious leaders, which he does in the satirical monthly Revista Mongolia . Onstage at the iRedes Iberoamerican Conference on Social Networks , he delighted the audience of several hundred with off-color jokes and humorous asides. In an interview with me afterwards, though, he sounded like any other media executive struggling to make a buck amid fierce competition. Read more �

Deal with the Devil: Facebook, Google, mobile apps

A deal with the devil. Versi�n en espa�ol It was the science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke who wrote , "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." And clearly many people think that way about applications for smartphones. Mobile apps can show us detailed maps of most places on earth. They can read QR codes that tell us when the next bus is coming to this stop. They alert us to the scores of sporting events we care about. They allow us to send text messages, free, to billions of people anywhere in the world ( WhatsApp and WeChat users alone account for nearly 2 billion). So we willingly give ourselves over to these services that do all these amazing things for us. Often we sign in to them using our Facebook or Google or Twitter accounts, thereby giving those social network platforms access to information about our preferences for products, who are friends are, where we are dining, and how we are amusing ourselves. Read more �

Slavery and the roots of racism |

Slavery and the roots of racism |

Drowning of hundreds is no accident—it's racist murder

Drowning of hundreds is no accident—it's racist murder

Election campaign 2015 ▶ Les Verts anglais se moquent de leurs adversaires, en les décrivant comme un boys band - vidéo dailymotion

▶ Les Verts anglais se moquent de leurs adversaires, en les décrivant comme un boys band - vidéo dailymotion

ATD Quart Monde Rencontres 2015 : Stop aux idées fausses sur les pauvres ! - ATD Quart Monde

ATD Quart monde organise débats films et autres évènements intéressants et utiles, fin mai à Montreuil, sous le titre "stop aux idées fausses sur les pauvres!". Rencontres 2015 : Stop aux idées fausses sur les pauvres ! - ATD Quart Monde

I was a Lampedusa refugee. Here’s my story of fleeing Libya – and surviving | Hakim Bello | Comment is free | The Guardian

I was a Lampedusa refugee. Here’s my story of fleeing Libya – and surviving | Hakim Bello | Comment is free | The Guardian

The fight against islamophobia in France

Since the terrorist attacks in Paris, islamophobia is very much on the rise. there have been dozens of attacks on mosques, but more mainstream anti-muslim campaigns are in many ways more worrying. In particular new scare campaigns are being run by the Right and by part of the Left about women wearing headscarves when they work in child care, and when they study in universities. Much of the Left, steeped in confused interpretations of what a secular state should be, is unwilling to fight against islamophobia, and this has been the case for many years. However, the minority of Left activists who *are* prepared to fight islamophobia is considerably bigger than it used to be, and campaigns run by muslims themselves (mostly left muslims) are more active and more frequently seen than before, even if they remain small. The NPA is somewhat better on the question than a few years back, (at one point in the past, the front page of their paper referred to women who wear the niqab as "birds o

[islamophobie] Crèche, université : refuser les lois de stigmatisation | Ensemble

La chasse aux Musulmans semble avoir repris de plus belle. Aux infos ce midi un reportage qui tentait de dire que dans les entreprises en France le grand problème c'était ... les travailleurs croyants! (Donc pas les licenciements ni les méthodes de management, les contrats précaire, l'hygiène et la sécurité, les salaires ...) Depuis quinze ans au moins, on commence à avoir l'habitude. Mais la minorité des militants de gauche qui veulent combattre l'islamophobie est quand même plus importante qu'il y a cinq dix ou quinze ans. Comme témoigne ce communiqué de mon organisation, Ensemble. Crèche, université : refuser les lois de stigmatisation | Ensemble

SWP Statement on ongoing Mediterranean migrant deaths #MigrantLivesMatter | Socialist Worker | Ireland

The migrant ships were mostly full of brave men heading for Europe to protest themselves or to earn some money to feed their families. They were drowned in their hundreds. Fortress Europe has a lot to answer for. SWP Statement on ongoing Mediterranean migrant deaths #MigrantLivesMatter | Socialist Worker | Ireland

Rassemblement en solidarité avec les migrants en mediterranée

TRAGEDIES MIGRATOIRES EN MEDITERRANEE Le MRAP appelle très largement au Rassemblement de ce lundi 20 avril 2015 à 19h00  Place de  République à Paris La meurtrière guerre syrienne - qui embrase désormais l'ensemble du Moyen Orient - et  la recherche éperdue d'un espoir d'avenir meilleur par des milliers d'hommes, de femmes, de plus en plus souvent accompagnés d'enfants, lancent jour après jour, à un rythme croissant, des bateaux aux mains de trafiquants de vies humaines vers le continent Européen - mirage de tous les espoirs -  en provenance de la Méditerranée ou d'Afrique subsaharienne. Les ministres des affaires étrangères et de l'Intérieur de l'Union Européenne, réunis ce jour en urgence, en présence de Madame Federica MOGHERINI, chef de la diplomatie de l'UE, semblent soudain prendre conscience de l'insoutenable tragédie des naufrages méditerranéens dont l'ampleur rejoint celle de l'Océan indien. Le MRAP appelle au Rass

Front National : une crise, une affaire, et après ? | Ensemble

Un vieux qui amerait bien que les massacres recommencent, sa fille qui trouve que ce n'est pas le bon moment pour en parler. lire cet article utile sur la crise du FN, sur le site de mon organisation, Ensemble.  Front National : une crise, une affaire, et après ? | Ensemble

Halal in the Family: A Web Series By Aasif Mandvi! | Indiegogo

Halal in the Family: A Web Series By Aasif Mandvi! | Indiegogo

ISIS and counter-revolution: towards a Marxist analysis – International Socialism

We marxists claim that it is class which is at the centre of politics and conflict in the world. Yet such groups as ISIS are generally presented in the media as being unrelated to political debate or social questions in general. What do marxists have to say about them (since surely if marxists have nothing to say abou this, they can't be trusted to analyze the changes we need in the world). This article is an indispensable place to start. ISIS and counter-revolution: towards a Marxist analysis – International Socialism

Islamophobie : les actes antimusulmans ont sextuplé en un an - Société - MYTF1News

Islamophobie : les actes antimusulmans ont sextuplé en un an - Société - MYTF1News

Can the working class still change the world? |

Can the working class still change the world? |

Jaurès et Briand, réveillez-vous ! Ils sont devenus fous - Les blogs du Diplo

Pas satisfaits d'avoir viré des écoles les filles musulmanes qui portent un foulard, certains islamophobes cherchent maintenant à interdire des jupe slongues ( pour les seules musulmanes). Alain Gresh leur répond: Jaurès et Briand, réveillez-vous ! Ils sont devenus fous - Les blogs du Diplo

Etats-Unis. Luttes des Noirs: qui écrira le prochain chapitre de la lutte ? | Ensemble

Etats-Unis. Luttes des Noirs: qui écrira le prochain chapitre de la lutte ? | Ensemble