
Showing posts from September, 2015

Don't Bomb Syria!

Bulletin from the Stop the War Coalition Why Stop the War opposes bombing Syria by UK or Russia Despite the chaos created by the last nearly fifteen years of wars. Despite widespread opposition to further wars. Despite defeat in parliament last time they tried, the Tory government is pushing for a vote for more war on Syria. The Labour Conference has voted overwhelmingly to adopt a policy opposing British intervention in Syria without UN agreement. With Russia now joining the bombing of Syria, we do not know whether that UN agreement is more likely. Stop the War opposes Russian bombs falling on Syria, just as we have consistently opposed all the bombing in that country, including the secret bombing by UK pilots . As Jeremy Corbyn said in his conference speech on Tuesday, the last thing war-torn Syria needs is more bombs. The Tories' idea that dropping more munitions on Syria is going to help solve the refugee crisis is preposterous. Stop the War opposes any inter

John McDonnell's speech at the Labour conference

John McDonnell’s speech to the Labour party conference – full text I warn you this is not my usual rant, they get me into trouble and I’ve promised Jeremy to behave myself. Jeremy and I sat down at the beginning of his campaign for the Labour leadership to discuss what they call the strap line for his campaign leaflets and posters. We came up with the strapline you see now. Straight talking, honest politics. It just embodied for me what Jeremy Corbyn is all about. So in the spirit of straight talking, honest politics. Here’s some straight talking. At the heart of Jeremy’s campaign, upon which he received such a huge mandate, was the rejection of austerity politics. But austerity is just a word almost meaningless to many people. What does it actually mean? Well, for Michael O’Sullivan austerity was more than a word. Michael suffered from severe mental illness. He was certified by his GP as unable to work but despite the evidence submitted by 3 doctors, he was assessed by the company giv

Trident: Labour set for ideological showdown after officials agree to debate scrapping nuclear programme | UK Politics | News | The Independent

Excellent news whatever the outcome. For many years spending billions on nuclear weapons went on without even a debate. Now we have a debate. Of course it would be best to win it, but even if we lose it we have the chance to win people over. Even people who like capitalism may be convinced. German capitalism and Japanese capitalism have done quite nicely without threatening nuclear detsruction! Trident: Labour set for ideological showdown after officials agree to debate scrapping nuclear programme | UK Politics | News | The Independent

Character assassination of Jeremy Corbyn: has the liberal media shot itself in the foot? - Stop the War Coalition

The vicious media attacks on Jeremy Corbyn are attacks on the whole of the Left. Anticapitalists to the Left of the Labour party should also be loudly and regularly defending Corbyn against the lies and innuendo. If we can't defend someone proposing radical reforms, how could we possibly, in the future, defend a revolutionary program with mass appeal? Here is an article from the Stop The War coalition Character assassination of Jeremy Corbyn: has the liberal media shot itself in the foot? - Stop the War Coalition

The Elections and the future of the Left in Greece

Greece remains an important preoccupation of all serious anticapitalists. It is a laboratory, testing the limits of different proposals to defend working and living conditions for ordinary people in the midst of crisis. Direct from Greece, the analysis, published in the US paper, Socialist Worker, on the Left challenge to Syriza. Large sections of Syriza have left the party and formed a new alliance, "Popular Unity". With only a day to go till the elections, this article explains where the Left is at, and what is the situation of the fascist and other groups.  Just click here

La révolution perdue: Allemagne 1918-1923 | Contretemps

Sylvestre Jaffard présente pour  Contretemps web   une analyse du livre de Chris Harman   La révolution allemande. 1918-1923   (La fabrique, 2015).  "Militant révolutionnaire qui a aussi une passion pour les études d'histoire" , comme le dit Sebastian Budgen dans sa préface, Chris Harman propose dans cet ouvrage de réinterroger cette révolution qui suscita tant d'espoir, notamment en Russie, et dont la défaite permit à terme au fascisme de s'enraciner en Allemagne.  La révolution perdue | Contretemps Le même auteur, Chris Harman (décédé il y a quelques années) a écrit une brochure très importante "Pourquoi la Défaite de la Révolution Russe" que vous trouverez ici

Le nucléaire ne sauvera pas le climat

Le nucléaire ne sauvera pas le climat! Le réseau sortir du nucléaire écrit: "EDF, l’entreprise qui exploite le plus grand nombre de réacteurs nucléaires au monde, est un sponsor officiel du sommet international sur le climat (COP 21) qui aura lieu à Paris en fin d’année ! Pour combattre la propagande du lobby nucléaire,  nous lançons aujourd’hui notre nouvelle campagne « Le nucléaire ne sauvera pas le climat ! » Plus d'infos ici: Le nucléaire ne sauvera pas le climat Le nucléaire ne sauvera pas le climat

Une prof de droit de l'IUT Sceaux refuse le cours à des étudiantes voilées

Islamophobie à la fac Une prof de droit de l'IUT Sceaux refuse le cours à des étudiantes voilées

Indian workers stage 150 million-strong strike | REDFLAG

Indian workers stage 150 million-strong strike | REDFLAG

News thrives on smartphones, but publishers don't

The big players in digital news like The New York Times, Buzzfeed, and NBC News are struggling with a change in how they make money and how they define themselves as brands. The cause is the rapid migration of news consumers and advertisers to smartphones. This migration has put the news brands at the mercy of Internet giants Facebook , Google , Apple , and others who already monopolize digital advertising . Alan Mutter , the @newsosaur, has a deep dive on the trend and what it means for publishers. In essence, the news publishers have discovered that much of their audience -- in some cases, most -- is accessing their content on smartphone applications provided by the big technology platforms and social networks. This means that the publishers are losing control of their users and revenue. So the publishers have started doing something that looks like syndication of their product to the social networks and platforms. They tailor content to live on each of the platforms rather than

Dream Deferred | Analysis: Jeremy Corbyn’s win, UKIP and polarisation

Dream Deferred | Analysis: Jeremy Corbyn’s win, UKIP and polarisation

Blairites wiped out in UK Labour vote | REDFLAG

Excellent article in  Australian anticapitalist newspaper, here: Blairites wiped out in UK Labour vote | REDFLAG

The specter that still haunts capitalism |

The specter that still haunts capitalism |

Should we limit how many migrants are allowed in?

Should we limit how many migrants are allowed in?

To the Queen's credit, she's worked her way up – there was a time when she was just a lowly princess - Comment - Voices - The Independent

To the Queen's credit, she's worked her way up – there was a time when she was just a lowly princess - Comment - Voices - The Independent

Union juive française pour la paix

Je suis membre de plusieurs collectifs politique, en plus de mon organisation "Ensemble". Par exemple, de l'Union juive française pour la paix. Et bien justement, l'UJFP vient de publier une nouvelle fascicule de présentation de l'organisation. Vous le trouverez ici 

'Communities are more important than the media' -- Jose Luis Orihuela

Jose Luis Orihuela has been writing about digital media for almost 30 years. So I have been enjoying his new book, "The Media Since the Internet" ( �Los medios despu�s de Internet �), which is a compilation of his columns for newspapers in Spain and Latin America in 2011-2013. (His 159,000 Twitter followers around the world know him as @jlori. ) Orihuela, a professor and colleague of mine at the Universidad de Navarra in Spain, takes us on his intellectual voyage and shows us the courage and vision we need to navigate this sometimes scary new world of the Internet. Versi�n en espa�ol Each of these columns in the book is a like an entry in the logbook of a voyage of discovery through the uncharted waters that the new media environment represents. Like the explorers of the 15th century, Orihuela observes, processes, analyzes, speculates, and makes recommendations based on his investigations. He drops some marker buoys to help us follow his path. The result is a guide that i