The reasons for Charlie Hebdo's front page

Charlie Hebdo's front page does not show (as previous issues have) Muhammed fucking a pig's head. It is being seen as conciliatory.

The drawing shows Muhammed with the headline "All is forgiven". The most likely reading is that Charlie Hebdo has forgiven Islam: that is to say that in the opinion of Charlie Hebdo the conflict was and is indeed between Charlie and Islam. 

There is also the fact of drawing Muhammed. That is not in itself either satirical or funny. Of course, many muslims find it offensive, but what does it mean to non muslims? Well every popular artist tries to offer a particular pleasure to their audience. In this case, the pleasure proposed is knowing that muslims are being offended. There is nothing enjoyable about looking at drawings of Mohammed, except the racist pleasure of knowing muslims are being offended. ‪#‎whyidontbuycharliehebdo‬.


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