Hommage à kofi Awoonor

I received this message from a colleague, Francis. It is by a poet from Ghana who was killed in the attack in Nairobi in September.

J'aimerais rendre ici un hommage au poet et romancier ghanéeen Kofi Awoonor tué lors de l'attaque de Westgate à Nairobi le 21 septembre 2013. Il est surtout connu pour ses  poèmes inspirés de la tradition orale Ewe. 
Pour sa bio-bibliographie veuillez consulter ce site:http://www.poetryfoundationghana.org/index.php/en/poets-connect/poets-directory/item/496-kofi-awoonor.

The Weaver Bird

The weaver bird built in our house
And laid its eggs on our only tree
We did not want to send it away
We watched the building of the nest
And supervised the egg-laying.
And the weaver returned in the guise of the owner
Preaching salvation to us that own the house
They say it came from the west
Where the storms at the sea has felled the gulls
And the fishers dried their nets by the lantern light
Its sermon is the divination of ourselves
And over new horizons limit at its nest
But we cannot join the prayers and the answers of the communicants.
We look for new homes every day,
For new altars we strive to rebuild
The old shrines defiled from the weaver’s excrement.
(By Kofi Awoonor)


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