ROMANIA: Diamond slavery

Israeli entrepreneur Menachem Zvik, owner of the MCR International Afumati Romania - is working diamonds by exploiting its workers in apalling conditions. 
Israeli entrepreneur Menachem Zvik, owner of the MCR International Afumati Romania - is working diamonds by exploiting its workers in apalling conditions.

In short, workers have no current water and hepatitis cases are frequent, have no medical insurance, have no heat wintertime, are working 11-12 hours a day and are paid peanuts.

Most of the 180 workers are 15-16 years old (under legal working age), some have suffered work accident and most of them have professional ilnesses - ocular and pulmonar diseases, and are paid peanuts - around 7$/day, most of their wage is paid under the table.

Wokers that tried to speak have been threathened with death. To be hired, you have to pass a polygraph test.

Diamonds are coming from Israel and are shipped back immediately.

Why Romania? Because the you can bribe the government as to close eyes on human slavery, because the country did not subscribed to the Kimberly accord and because Palestinian workers have to be replaced somehow. 


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