Investor sees 'great returns' from new digital media

Vucinic, photo by Many media investors see disaster everywhere they look, as traditional media lose audience, revenues, and relevance. Sasa Vucinic, co-founder and co-managing director of North Base Media , sees great investment opportunities, especially in developing markets, such as Central Europe, Asia-Pacific, and Latin America. "We invest in serious digital-only media oriented toward the younger audience that can disrupt their markets. And we think it�s a phenomenal business that will bring great financial returns." Vucinic, who began his journalism career in Serbia, has been a crusader for media organizations that tell the truth about corrupt, oppressive regimes. I reached him via Skype in South Korea, where he was looking at investment opportunities. I wanted to ask him about social purpose investing , where investors direct their money toward organizations that not only give a financial return but also have a positive impact on society. Versi�n en ...